Telford offshore installs SeaCom exchange replacing MCX-3240
SeaCom delivers a 240 line exchanger to T-31 DP3 dive support vessel, replacing MRC MCX-3240 / Samsung iDCS500
Telford offshore goes for SeaCom when refitting the on board telephone exchange system.
Based on a thorough investigation on board, a SeaCom system based on our 19 inch board magazine was assembled and programmed in the SeaCom workshop. The mechanics were designed so that it fits into the cabinet originally holding the MRC MCX-3240 / Samsung iDCS500 telephone system. In this way the system installation is easy, and cables, as well as telephones, are reused.
The SeaCom system is 98% electically and functionally compatible with the MRC MCX-3240 / Samsung iDCS500 telephone system , and not only the reuse of telephones, but also the 1:1 compatibility to Public address (PA) and satellite terminals, makes the installation easy.
The actual installation and commissioning, in this case, was undertaken by the ship electrician and chief engineer.
The system fits directly into the cabinet of the MRC MCX-3240 / Samsung iDCS500 telephone system cabinet. This arrangement takes away a lot of troubles with all the ship cables, and it was very easy 1:1 to connect the 240 extension cables.
The picture below shows the system when installed: